Skin cancer is a serious condition, which affects around 1 million people in the world every year.
Here in our clinic, we offer a comprehensive approach to the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of skin cancer, starting from thorough skin cancer checks, collection of biopsies, application of topical chemotherapeutic agents with photodynamic therapy, complex surgical excisions (including grafts and flap repairs) and cryotherapy.
Skin cancer is one the most common types of cancer in Australia due to the presence of an intense level of ambient UV radiation. There are several types of skin cancers varying in presentation and severity, including squamous cell cancer, basal cell cancer and melanoma, which is one of the most life-threatening forms of skin cancer with a prevalence of 12500 cases per year. So don’t forget to schedule your skin cancer checks!
Slip: Cover your body.
Slop: Apply at least Sun protection SP-30 plus sunscreen on the uncovered parts of the body.
Slap: Wear a hat.
Seek: Seek shelter or shaded area.
Slide: Wear UV radiation protection eyewear.
Spot: Remember ABCDE of skin lesion as mentioned below and seek medical advice if any concern.
- A: Asymmetry, any lesion which is not symmetrical should be checked.
- B: Border irregularity
- C: Colour changes.
- D: Diameter, any lesion, enlarging in size.
- E: Evolving or changing lesion.